Buto Dance Company In_between
The dance
company In_between of Rome is formed by authors/dancers from Paris, Basel,
Padua and Rome around the project “Something in between”, a four part performance, freely inspired by “In
praise of Folly” by Erasmus of Rotterdam.
“When the soul, having
broken its fetters, it endeavors to get loose and assays, as it were, a flight
out of that prison that holds it in, they call it madness.
When the mind strives to
rove from its body and does not rightly use its own organs, without doubt you
may say ’tis downright madness and not be mistake”.
E o R
The dance company is composed by Flavia
Ghisalberti, Basel (Switzerland), Yann
Van Steenbrugghe, Paris
(France), Ivan Marasco, Lamezia
Terme (Italy) and Ezio Tangini, Rome
During the last years, the four dancers have produced numerous
performances on their own and developed projects in the field of the performing
arts. They also have repeatedly acquired experiences as well as interacted
during the intensive workshops of butoh dance held by Masaki Iwana in Normandy.
The experimentation made together and a deep interpersonal acquaintance are
necessary for the development of the performance. Although a composition of
four solos is foreseen, the performance will give substance to the interaction
of indistinct images connected by an emotional red thread. The aim of the
performance, which is necessarily transnational, is to stir the consciousness
and direct the sensitivity of the audience towards that part of humanity which is denied.
not understanding.
four images will develop an emotional tension reaching paroxysm.
The differences
between reality and folly will be perceived concretely by the audience, who
will feel the waves of the most rarefied emotions.
like in a game of mirrors, the initial image will bounce back unceasingly.
reflected image will be more real than the initial one.
internal dynamism of the performance will put the audience in direct conctact
with their deepest anguishes and their obsessions.
communicating power of the performance is that of bringing into play not only
the mind of the audience but also their senses and flesh.
The ghosts will come, show themselves, while
pronouncing words of flesh.
We wish to present the performance in virtue of
the evocative history linked to the memory of psychiatric hospitals, the
healing of the legacy of suffering and embarrassment, but also of a new
awareness of the dynamics of committal.
Ezio Tangini
Associazione Underscore
Via Masserano 27
00166 Rome Italy
Tel/fax: 0039+06 6245145
phone: 0039+3385004680
Mail_to: eziotangini@virgilio.it